如何在贝博体彩app庆祝你的生日 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
A girl celebrates her birthday with balloons in front of a colorful mural.


无论你多么喜欢围绕太阳再过一年, San Francisco offers the perfect experience for everyone on their birthdays.

Your birthday comes only once a year, so make sure it's a memorable one. 不管哪个角色最适合你, we have unforgettable ways to celebrate your birthday 在贝博体彩app.


Foodies can celebrate their birthdays by sampling some of San Francisco's best eats. Start the day by indulging in breakfast pastries 和 coffee from the French-styled b. 法式蛋糕店 在菲尔莫,n head to 渔人码头 to try some of the famous Pacific sea食物 at 麦考密克 & Kuleto的方济各螃蟹餐厅, or Scoma的餐厅. For dinner, go to 唐人街 for a spectacular dining experience at 中国生活 或点心和北京烤鸭 远东咖啡馆.

Chinese cuisine is so influential to everything 在贝博体彩app.


贝博体彩app有丰富的文化. 探索大师的作品 贝博体彩app现代艺术博物馆 或者是 亚洲艺术博物馆. Spend a day 在金门公园 to learn about living things at the 加州科学院,然后晚上在城市中漫步,发现它的魅力 独特的光艺术装置.


有很多小路 徒步旅行 在贝博体彩app及其附近,即艺术步道 要塞 和 trails at Muir Woods, where you can see hundreds of coastal Redwood trees. 也有许多美丽的景点 野营, should you decide to spend the night under the stars on your birthday.


Night owls can keep the party going into the wee hours at San Francisco's best bars, 俱乐部, 在他们生日的时候. 在热闹的场所享受鸡尾酒吧 汤加房间 & 飓风酒吧 在诺布山或在 百灵鸟 在SoMa. Visitors can also soak up the fabled San Francisco comedy scene at the 妙语 or 科布喜剧俱乐部. 唱出你的心声 潘多拉卡拉ok & 酒吧 在联合广场.



的 vibrant music scene of San Francisco offers a perfect way to spend a birthday. 的 贝博体彩app男同性恋合唱团 总是上演一场迷人的现场表演,还有 贝博体彩app交响乐团 在戴维斯交响音乐厅演奏古典音乐. 继续观看娱乐节目 菲尔莫尔 和 的共济会这是贝博体彩app最具传奇色彩的两个音乐场所. 一定要检查在新的即将到来的事件的阵容 追逐中心, which has already hosted talents including Janet Jackson, Metallica, Mumford & 儿子和其他人.


San Francisco is rightfully famous for its incredible beer scene 和 distinctive styles. 从 锚酿酒公司 来喝一款该啤酒厂特色的锚蒸汽草稿酒. 精酿啤酒 贾斯珀角水龙头 & 厨房 提供来自加州各地的美味啤酒.


你的生日是和某个特别的人一起过的吗? 贝博体彩app是浪漫插曲的完美去处. Go out with your significant other for one of the city's famous martinis, 欣赏一场精美的表演, 混合一些 吉拉德利巧克力和冰淇淋 进入你的冒险.


在贝博体彩app有很多团体娱乐的选择. One of the best choices out there for a large group is to take in a 巨人 game at Oracle Park. 的 巨人 在全国最好的棒球场之一打球. 带上大家一起去 阿尔卡特拉斯岛 to explore the place where Whitey Bulger, Al Capone, 和 "Machine Gun" Kelly once resided. 如果你正在寻找身临其境的体验,试试吧 逃脱游戏位于贝博体彩app市中心和渔人码头. 和你一起穿过各种各样的密室, 充满谜题, 密码破解和丰富的故事讲述. 


这个城市有很多不贵的娱乐方式. 买一个 贝博体彩app城市卡 a卡 蓝色的 & 黄金舰队 海湾游船探险,入场券 加州科学院,以及两所学校的入学资格 海湾水族馆华特迪士尼家庭博物馆探索在美国贝博体彩app现代艺术博物馆(SFMOMA),或者在美国贝博体彩app博物馆 贝博体彩app动物园 & 花园. 的 去贝博体彩app卡 还有其他物美价廉的观光通行证吗, offering a build-your-own pass option 和 discounted admission to more than 25 attractions.


On the other h和, if you're looking to treat yourself 在贝博体彩app,re are plenty of 奢侈品购物 机会和 米其林星级餐厅 在贝博体彩app. 把限量版烈酒带回家 桶酒店 在SoMa或设计师的服装 内曼•马库斯 在联合广场. For dinner, treat yourself to one of the city's top French spots at 工作室Crenn 在码头或美味的当代美国美食 国家鸟类条例 在菲尔莫.


Use your birthday to tackle all of the quintessential experiences in the city. 把你的明信片拍下来 涂女士 和 金门大桥, eat clam chowder in a sourdough bread bowl at PIER 39, visit San Francisco's 必看的博物馆,沿着小路走 内河码头 欣赏更多令人惊叹的海滨景色. 别忘了骑一辆历史悠久的 缆车!

A cable car rounds a hill 在贝博体彩app with passengers looking out the window.


的re are hidden gems throughout San Francisco that only a seasoned visitor would know about. 去吃城里最好的披萨 面粉+水. 看看这里轻松的氛围和美味的啤酒 桶头啤酒厂 在海特-阿什伯里,用鱼雷打了30次草稿. For a colorful souvenir of your trip to the city, grab some tie-dyed treasures at 《贝博体彩》.


和孩子们一起庆祝? 孩子们会喜欢海滩上那些非凡的海洋生物 海湾水族馆 或者39号码头的海狮. 他们还可以享受水上巡游 蓝色的 & 黄金舰队. This aquatic adventure brings families to see the sights all around the Bay, 包括恶魔岛和金门大桥.


For those in search of extraordinary, heart-pumping experiences, San Francisco offers that 和 more. 从空中看这个城市的奇观 贝博体彩app直升机公司,花一个上午在一个热气球翱翔与 热气球太平洋之旅 or sail on a catamaran for an excursion past 阿尔卡特拉斯岛 和 under the 金门大桥 with 冒险猫帆船包租.


你的生日是不是庆祝得有点过了? 我们为你准备了解酒良方. 先来点咖啡和甜食 Le Marais说 在卡斯特罗. 漫步在宁静的 日本茶园 在金门公园. 当你在那里, visit the Tea House for an afternoon of traditional 日本 tea 和 small snacks. 想要身临其境的声音体验,请前往 Audium这是世界上唯一的同类剧院. 75分钟, you'll go on an exploration of space in music in this 49-seat theatre, 在一片漆黑中. If you're looking for a way to recharge outside the city, visit these 温泉 距离贝博体彩app只有一天的车程.



Carol is a digital marketer creating media-rich content for global audiences covering travel, 贝博体彩app和海湾地区, 食物 & 喝酒,户外体验,讲跨文化故事. Her work is found in the San Mateo Daily Journal 和 的 Skyline View (Skyline College). 在旅行写作之前, her professional background included working internationally in business, 非营利组织, 和政府. She lives 在贝博体彩app with her family 和 regularly explores the parks in her city, 尤其是野性十足的迈凯轮公园.
