

贝博体彩app是世界首屈一指的旅游目的地, famous for fostering new ideas and drawing record-breaking attendance. The city is always changing, and now the Moscone中心 is, too.


这种变化不仅仅是空间的增加. 扩建考虑到了环境问题, 响应客户, and respectful of a legacy that includes moments of history and transformation. With the completion of a $550 million expansion, 莫斯康中心 (North and South) offers:

  • 由 Global Biorisk Advisory Council’s 20 GBAC STAR program and implementing protocols from ASM Global’s VenueShield to continue offering the highest levels of safety, 安全, 消费者信心.
  • 502以上,000 square feet of contiguous space that can be used for exhibitions and/or 会议s—almost double the previously offered in its largest hall.
  • Two ballrooms, including a new 50,000 square foot, 无列 ballroom.
  • 82间会议室.
  • 107,000平方英尺光线充足, pre-function lobbies offering dramatic views of the city and the surrounding Yerba Buena Gardens.
  • More than 25,000 square feet of secure outdoor terraces ideal for 招待会.
  • 改善公共设施, 包括更宽的人行道, 建筑物之间更大的人行横道, 多个露天广场, 公共艺术.
  • Highly flexible design accommodating new and current groups with increased attendance.

The expanded facility is LEED Platinum and achieved the highest-scoring LEED® certification for a convention center in the world. 可持续发展的特点包括:

  • Less carbon emissions per delegate than any major convention center in North America.
  • Recovery of 15 million gallons of groundwater annually for reuse in the Center, 灌溉附近的公园, 街道清洁.
  • The largest rooftop photovalic (solar panel) array in San Francisco.
  • 零排放发电.
  • Daylight harvesting to offset electrical lighting.

Exhibition Level (502,000+ square feet (Halls A-F)

The expansion links two of Moscone's largest exhibition spaces to create 502,000多平方英尺的连续空间, 哪个可以容纳2人以上,300 10'x10' booths and/or be used as flexible 会议 space. 这个展览层包括A-F大厅. The Center's internal freight system provides access to 20 loading docks with direct drive-on access to the exhibit halls.

Upper Mezzanine (42,675 square feet ballroom only)

Twenty-eight-foot high ceilings define a space designed to accommodate banquets and large general sessions for up to 4,800.


从霍华德街的两边, wide sidewalks lead to glass-enclosed lobbies allowing natural light and revealing the activity within while engaging the surrounding public realm.


Located in the south building of 莫斯康中心, the Lower Mezzanine offers flexible 会议 space ideal for break-out sessions from 20 to 329.


新的50岁,000平方英尺, 无列, flexible ballroom in Moscone South accommodates more than 5,500美元的剧院布景. Two terraces, echoed on the third level, face north and south. A glass bridge linking this level to the North building features "Point Cloud,由Leo Villareal创作的灯光雕塑, 设计“海湾之光”的艺术家."


Nearly 22,000 square feet of secure outdoor terraces bracket the top level of the South building. Offering spectacular views of the San Francisco skyline, 理想的社交场所, 招待会, 课间还有新鲜空气.

Moscone West(367,500平方英尺,3层)

Moscone West的设计强调灵活性. 它允许展品之间的转换, 会议, 宴会用途, as well as efficient adjustment to room sizes. 三层提供近100,000 square feet of dedicated function space on each floor, 还有大约25人,000 square feet of elegant pre-function lobby space on each level.

The first-floor lobby is ideal for registration and pre-function uses, 通向主楼展厅. Elevators and escalators are carefully positioned to move attendees quickly from floor to floor.

The second and third levels offer the flexibility of "swing space,“总共200个,000 square feet that can be configured into 19 rooms per floor through a system of movable walls. The third level mirrors the capacities of the second level, with the option of a 无列 general session or ballroom space seating more than 6,000. Both second and third levels can accommodate more than 500 booths each.

To check the availability of the Moscone中心, please call us at 415-227-2691 or 给我们的团队发邮件.

